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Active Job Count: 85

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Your Direct Line to the Placement Department


Employers, we look forward to working with you to set up interviews for candidates. All listings are general so applicants must talk to us first. This is to save you time and ensure that you are interviewing the people who will be the best fit.


We understand the challenges you face finding the talent you need. If we had a magic wand and could get more students, we would. Due to USDOE and state government licensing regulations, we are restricted in how we can recruit and what we can tell prospective students. They have to find us and even then, we are limited in what we can tell them.

However, you, the employer, are free to promote the opportunities that you offer as well as communicate the compensation, etc. If you would like school information that you can share with potential future employees who need training, please contact the school to join the employers who are finding a proactive approach is the best way to ensure they will have the talent they need in the future.

Thank you.